Thursday, April 30, 2015

And to think your job sucks...I couldn't help but love this as the random picture of the day

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hey folks, we just launched the first version of our new website over at ...its a work in progress but its looking good. Check it out, Yew!
Not exactly a dope rope, but another high option for the kooky elite. Brian Conley aside, when is the last time you saw a good surfer sporting a nose mounted GoPro? Betcha gotta think about that one for a while...

Friday, April 17, 2015

Plenty of those out there I feel...

Thursday, April 2, 2015

I want to give The Electric Sunshine full credit for this gem of a bit, they have been known to have some killer goods and bits over at
                  "Goon cords have brought on many more problems than they have solved.
Kooks now invade rocky waves, rip off the better surfers & locals, & suffer no damage...
Goon cords are a crutch, a mother, a blanket of security to make up for lack of ability...
I invested in a knife & now cut goons' cords off.
Maybe if enough cords are cut, challenge will become a part of surfing again."
Goon-Cord Cutter
Rockville, USA
SURFER Magazine, 1974